Experimental Dance Film
Gertrude St Projection Festival, Melbourne 2019
Logline: Aronui wakes in a familiar but unknown land. As her affinity for for the landscape grows she is confronted by her volatile senses.
Volatilis is an experimental dance film featuring Melbourne based contemporary dancer Anna Seymour as Aronui.
Volatilis explores our emotional connections to landscapes, whilst experiencing sensory disorientation and sensitivity during emotional heartbreak. Following Aronui’s journey of heartbreak, growth and rebirth through the visual metaphor of a volatile landscape.
Jenna Eriksen is a contemporary queer filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist from Aotearoa, based in Birrarunga/Melbourne. For Jenna, Volatilis seeks to create a cathartic response to traversing emotions through space. Informed by a sense of connection, affinity and turangawaewae to a place.
Scored by experimental music group The Narcoleptor, featuring Theremin Artist Miles Brown and Harpist Mary Doumany.
Shot on location at Pink Cliffs, Victoria in late 2018.
Director / Producer: Jenna Eriksen
Aronui: Anna Seymour
Director of Photography: Stepanka Cervinkova
Art Direction: Laura Albee Barton
Costume: Shayli Harrison
1st Assistant Camera: Ian Parish
Auslan Interpreter: Miriam Morgan
Editor: Sam Mapplebeck
Colour Grade: Jenna Eriksen
Graphic Design: Bryn Fenemor
Music: The Narcoleptor
Harp, Voice: Mary Doumany
Theremin: Miles Brown
Titles: Bryn Fenemor
Sound Design: Matt Atkinson
JLE (C) 2019

All Images and Video © Jenna Eriksen 2019