Next Wave Festival 2016, Arts House, North Melbourne.
Under My Skin is a piece that touches on some of the ways in which we choose to interact with the world around us.
In a quest to understand the things that define us as we search for a place where we feel we belong, examining our ‘layers’ has been an underlying impetus for this work. Humans are complex creatures and, underneath everything, essentially vulnerable. We often protect ourselves by masking or hiding from a world that is constantly asking us to validate ourselves. Our need to label, protect, disguise or reveal ourselves has been an intrinsic question in the work.
Dance, multimedia and sound have been the primary creative tools, bringing together two worlds – hearing and deaf – both as creators and audiences. The intense vocabulary of Lina Limosani’s choreography, coupled with Jo Dunbar’s direction and balanced by the collaborating creative team visually and sonically, aims to present a compelling and dynamic piece of dance that will hopefully encourage you to ponder on your own thoughts about identity.
Choreographers Lina Limosani and Jo Dunbar
Dancers Anna Seymour, Elvin Lam, Amanda Lever and Luigi Vescio
New Media Artist Rhian Hinkley
Lighting Designer Richard Vabre
Composer & Sound Artist Russell Goldsmith
Image Pippa Samaya
Video Next Wave Festival

This was impact-performance from the moments the lights dimmed. Arts Hub Australia.
The troupe’s stamina to keep the dynamic flowing is remarkable. The Plus Ones.
Their energy, their poise and their raw emotive power was a thrill to behold. Arts Hub Australia.
The performance is a multi-media feast for the senses. The Plus Ones.

The Delta Project was co-founded by Deaf dancers and choreographers Jo Dunbar and Anna Seymour in 2012 with Arts Access Victoria. The Delta Project has created two works; Collisions (2012) by Jo Dunbar and Jodie Farrugia and Under My Skin (2016) by Jo Dunbar and Lina Limosani.
Exploring the physical and technical manifestations of bringing two worlds together through visuals and sound, The Delta Project creates performances that are accessible for both Deaf and hearing audiences.
Anna Seymour is now Artistic Director of The Delta Project and you can contact her at